Anne Carbert
Career CounsellorAs a career counsellor and coach, self-employed since 2007, I am committed to supporting people to clarify their career needs, explore new possibilities, and make confident life decisions.
I work with clients from varied backgrounds who have different career goals, but I specialize in supporting people who are on non-corporate career paths in arts and culture, non-profits, social services, as well as solo-entrepreneurship and freelancing … or a combination of some of the above!
I believe there is no “right” way to live — what counts is that your needs are met and you’re satisfied.
My Story
Motivated by an interest in social justice, I studied law at the University of Toronto and then started a career in human rights law. As I transitioned into my professional life, I found myself grappling with many questions about work and its place in my life.
I soon realized that I love talking with others about meaning and purpose, about living creatively and making conscious choices. I returned to school for a master’s degree in counselling at the University of Toronto and I launched my counselling and coaching practice in 2007.
Now, as a counsellor and coach, I help others to craft meaningful and satisfying lives. I start by encouraging clients to assess their career needs and get a more concrete awareness of what’s satisfying and what’s missing. They might make some adjustments in their work habits or lifestyle or embark on an exploration process to identify new career possibilities that meet more of their needs. Emphasizing personal life priorities and values, my clients seek to design rewarding lives and careers on their own terms.
My own career and life transitions help to inform my understanding of the trade-offs and challenges in navigating significant change. Most recently, in early 2023, I moved with my partner to Nova Scotia from Ontario and we are adjusting to a new home and community after living for 8 years in Stratford, Ontario and 17 years in Toronto before that.

My Experience
I have been working with career counselling clients part-time in private practice since 2007, originally in-person in Toronto and since 2014 with hundreds of remote appointments by phone and video call. My goal has always been to offer career support to anyone seeking greater meaning and self-expression in their work and also to serve artists, activists, and “unconventional types” whose career needs and aspirations are often not supported enough.
With some work experience in nonprofits and university-based projects, I pursued counselling training at the University of Toronto and volunteered with the Artists’ Health Centre. As I completed my Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology and started a private counselling practice, I held part-time career advising positions at the career office at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, where I worked with lawyers and law students. I also worked with the Internationally Trained Lawyers Program at UofT and taught a Career Development Skills course there. More recently, I was a part-time Career & Work Coach with a government-funded career agency run by Conestoga College in Stratford which offers services to members of the public who face barriers to employment.
Over my years as a career counsellor in private practice, I have designed and facilitated career workshops for arts service agencies and supported members of the Dancer Transition Resource Centre in career decision-making and planning. I am now moving my workshop skills into the digital realm with new online resources and e-courses but my focus remains on individual counselling relationships and working with clients ready for change.
My Counselling Values
Digging deep in career exploration often exposes more questions before revealing answers, but values-based decisions based on who you are and what you want out of life are the best way I know out of career restlessness and unhappiness. It can feel counter-culture these days to seek depth and integrity and to take your time! I believe the effort and discomfort are worth it if you end up with greater values alignment that can reduce much of the friction and anxiety that comes up at work.
All kinds of contextual factors have an effect on our lives and open some doors while closing others, but identifying where and how you can make choices and have influence and impact will help you take a healthy degree of responsibility for your career direction. That responsibility can be daunting! It can also provide you with new energy to explore more possibilities and push personal boundaries to achieve greater career satisfaction.
Curiosity and investigative action are at the heart of career exploration to uncover new options and possibilities. If your work is unsatisfying or too challenging in unfulfilling ways, it is easy to feel trapped and lose sight of what could change for the better. Career counselling offers dialogue and an exploration process that will expand your sense of possibility and cultivate hope and optimism even before your next career step becomes clear.
Achieving greater satisfaction in work, and more harmonious interaction between work and other aspects of a fulfilling life, has a lot to do with the support we create, cultivate, and accept. A successful job or career transition is made easier with a support team – from cheerleaders and inspirational teachers of all types and ages, to mentors ahead on the path and experts with specific skills and tips, as well as chance encounters. If we work together, I will encourage you to expand your support network step-by-step, to practice your outreach skills, and to explore ways to build relationships in your career fields of interest.